The Bible is the most powerful book in the world - the one that we all go about studying in our own different ways. One of mine is art.
I am one of those people who loves the Bible but struggles to understand it. I know the verses are important, but I need someone to tell me why. Why did Jesus say that? What is the message? That's why I relish church - because the verses are broken down to their true meanings for me, giving me a fresh perspective, and helping me to truly understand.
I love illustrating verses because I feel it helps make them real - if I can visually see what He's telling me, it's easier to believe it. So here is some of my Bible art. Most of these are ideas that I got from Pinterest. (Best. Site. Ever.!)
The Seraphim is mentioned several times in the Bible (here it is, in Isaiah). "Attending Him were mighty seraphim, each having six wings. With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew."
Imagine seeing those seraphims - incredible, terrifying! Ha, I can picture how someone today would react. I drew a seraphim to show what they look like, these guardians of the LORD.
I drew this because I love the intensity of it: "..And the spirit of the Lord began to stir Him." -Judges 13:25. This art, just through colors, conveys the meaning of this verse.
The Lord was ordering Pharoah to release His people, to give them their freedom so that they could rejoice, and the small drawing I drew was meant to convey the joy they would feel during that festival, the dancing and singing that would partake in it. These people turned out not to be nearly as honorable as God wanted them to be, yet He still continued to shield them and help them - though He dealt out appropriate punishments for their foolishness, too. ;)
Daniel 2:22: "He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness, though He is surrounded by light." I love this verse and I did my best to convey its meaning, though I couldn't get very close. The incredible thing about the Lord is that He can examine the hearts, the motives, the desires of every single person, and yet He will be corrupted by it the way a human will.
He will never fall prey to darkness, even though He can see it clearer than anyone else.
It will never touch Him.
"He holds in His hands the depths of the Earth and the mightiest mountains."
My Bible is one of my favorite places - and yes, it is a place. A place to hear God speak to me, a place to escape the troubles of my life. One of the reasons I illustrate verses so much is because I would love for my children to see them someday. Maybe it will help them gain insight, I hope.
Happy Thursday to whoever might be reading this. ;)